Poster Preparation Guidelines
It is compulsory to prepare a poster presentation.
All poster size should be A1 size. A1 (841 x 594 mm). Printing and exhibiting of poster will be at your own cost.
The poster should contain the following content:
Project title: This is the product name or project name.
Names of team leader and team members: This is the name of the team leader and the names of the team members and the affiliations.
Organisation logo: This is the logo of the company/ institution/ school and the iFATIIC logo.
Abstract: This is explanation or information of the product.
Objective: This includes the purpose and aims of the project.
Commercial value: This is to ensure the IP ownership steps taken, the marketability of the product in terms of profitability.
Social responsibility – The practicality and usage of the product for the benefit of the community
Pictures (with captions/explanation
References (if any)
The poster must be error free English Language
Click here to download the poster template for :